Roskontrol employees, acting within the interests of the Russian consumer, conducted a thorough study of broiler chickens on the domestic market. They selected dozens of product samples of popular brands among Russians made in the production halls of such enterprises as Miratorg, Troekurovo, Prioskolye, Petelinka, Yasnyye Zori and Petruha.
As a result of the analysis of work according to several fundamental parameters, certain claims were put forward to the products of Miratorg, Troekurovo and Petelinki. In particular, the remains of the veterinary drug Enrofloxacin were found in the meat of broiler chickens of these brands (it is known that this antibacterial drug is made in Europe and given to animals orally or by injection in case of damage to various types of bacteria). Fortunately, the permissible content of this antibiotic in the meat of the above brands was not exceeded.
None of the samples showed the presence of such dangerous pathogens as salmonellosis, E. coli or listeriosis. Scientists did not find chickens and growth hormones in meat, and the level of mesophilic aerobic and facultative anaerobic microorganisms was not exceeded.
And all would be fine if broilers were not fatter than what was indicated on the package. As for the skin condition of broilers made by Prioskoly and Petelinka forces, they did not correspond to the characteristics of the first grade products: the birds were plucked poorly and had cuts, bruises and bruises.